پخش کننده BYK 9076 Dispersing agent

BYK 9076 Dispersing agent

افزودنی دیسپرس کننده و تر کننده با وزن مولکولی بالا تشکیل شده از نمک آلکیل آلومینیوم بدون حلال اسن که برای پوشش های حاوی حلال و بدون حلال، چسب ها، پلاستیک های PVC، سیستم های رزین پخت محیطی و برای تولید مستربچ های رنگی برای ترموپلاستیک ها توصیه می شود.

از جدا شدن جلوگیری می کند و تر شدن الیاف را در فرمولاسیون SMC/BMC بهبود می بخشد.

باعث کاعش ویسکوزیته، بهبود سطح، بهبود قدرت رنگ وهمچنین براقیت بالا می شود.

Alkylammonium salt of a high molecular-weight copolymer

Typical Properties
The values indicated in this data sheet describe typical properties and do not constitute specification limits.

Amine value: 44 mg KOH/g
Acid value: 38 mg KOH/g
Density (20 °C): 1.05 g/ml

Special Note
BYK-9076 does not contain plasticizers.

Coatings, adhesives and PVC plastisol’s

Special Features and Benefits
BYK-9076 deflocculates pigments by means of steric stabilization. It also generates a uniform electrical charge in
the pigment particles. The resulting repulsion effect and the steric stabilization prevent any coflocculation which
leads to non-floating coloring in pigment blends. As a result of the small particle size of the deflocculated pigments,
high levels of gloss can be achieved and the color strength is improved. In addition, the transparency is increased
in transparent pigments and the hiding power in opaque pigments. The viscosity is reduced. In this way, the flow
characteristics are also improved and a higher pigment load is possible.

Recommended Use
BYK-9076 is suitable for all pigments and is particularly recommended for stabilizing acidic and neutral carbon
black pigments. It is used in solvent-borne and solvent-free coatings, adhesives, and PVC plastisols. A key
application area is solvent-free pigment concentrates for these applications


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